Wednesday, March 2, 2011

*TESTING* *TESTING* (Is This Thing On?) YUP IT'S ON!

Aloha, people of the net! If you can't already tell, I'm Kylie Akina. Do I sound familiar? You probably recognize my twin sister, Kanani. Only I call her Nanika (Nani for short). I love making up names for people. It's a part of me! I'm not a name-caller, or a bully. No way! I just love giving my buddies unique names that only I can call them, but my other sisters can't. You see, I have 17 other sisters, 18 including Nani, and, in total, there are currently 19 of us American Girl dollies (that's some tricky math, right?). Now, out of all 19 of us, you might be wondering, "Why does KYLIE get to be the blogger?" And, to tell you the truth, it's 'cuz I'm the most spontaneous and entertaining person on the face of the earth! Yeah, yeah, I'm a doll. I thought we went over that already. Oh, we didn't? I'm sorry, my fault... I'm still pretty new to blogging....

What were we talking about? Oh yes, my sisters. I have 18. Wait a minute. Kylie, you did NOT forget Lizzie did you? You can NOT have just told people you have 18 sisters. Darnit! Oh gosh, Lizzie! I love Lizzie!! She's our big sister. Or, if you prefer technical terms, she's our "owner." Lizbug (MY nickname for  her, DON'T TAKE IT or NO CUPCAKE FOR YOU. Oh, I didn't offer you one in the first place? Whoops...) Bah! My interjecting thoughts ALWAYS make me forget what I'm talking about! DARN YOU! Sorry, Kylie. It's okay. Just let me get through this ONE blog post? Pleaseee??? Fine, just for today. Thank you! Now, uhhh...oh, right! Lizbug! She has a channel on YouTube. It's called 4evragz. You should go check it out if you haven't. OR I WILL EAT YOU. UGH THOUGHTS I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO STOP INTERJECTING!!! Whoops, sorry. -_- Well, it's late at night. Time for bed. Don't worry, though, I'll be back here tomorrow (or whenever I can be). No you won't. UGH STOP IT! Geez, those guys are really acting up lately. Time to go to bed. Good ni- WHHOOAAHHH!! SAMSTER! What DID you do to your hair?!!!! (To be continued...)


  1. He He she's so funny!!!!I love that outfit on her to!! Its so ADORABLE!!!!!!

  2. Kylie will make a great blogger!! :D

  3. She says thank you! She loves blogging already! :D

  4. OMG this is really creepy my name is the same and I have th Sam personality and I look just like you
